
Welcome to Whillo News!

Below are some of our previous newsletters for your reference. Subscribers to Whillo News can expect one newsletter a month (typically on the first day of the month) in which we notify subscribers of new releases and features.

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Whillo: January/February Audiobook and Music Releases

Hello all! This February, we have new audiobooks from YWAM Publishing's "Christian Heroes" series by Janet and Geoff Benge, including the uplifting stories of Helen Roseveare (Mama Luka), Hudson Taylor (Deep in the Heart of China), Gladys Aylward (The Adventure of a Lifetime), C.T. Studd (No Retreat), David Bussau (Facing the World Head-On), and Florence Young (Mission Accomplished). Also added to our growing audiobook catalog are inspiring stories from YWAM Publishing's "Heroes of History"...

Hello all! We are well into December and we have a large collection of new releases for our listeners! If everything goes as planned this will be our last email until February of 2024 (more details on this below). Now for our new releases... In last month's newsletter, we announced our exciting new partner- YWAM Publishing. This month, we've added more audiobook titles from their "Heroes of History" series including inspiring stories about one of America's founding fathers (Benjamin...

Hello all! This month's new content is a direct result of the many, many requests we've had for some of the titles in our list. Being able to show significant interest to music and book publishers for their content improves the likelihood of them being willing to work with us. Thank you all for your requests over the past months! Keep them coming at We are very excited to have finally worked out an agreement for the YWAM Publishing audiobooks collection including...

Hello all! Here are our releases for the months of September and October. The focus for October was to significantly increase the size of our music catalog, so you'll see a lot more new music than audiobooks this go around! For November our goal is to significantly build our audiobook collection. We are just waiting for the final "dotting of the i's and crossing of the t's" with a large audiobook distributor that we are very excited to have on board (their books have been requested multiple...

August Releases Whillo

Hello all, Some of the new audiobooks for August are "The Bridge of Love" by Kathryn Rose, "The Bandit of Ashley Downs" by Dave & Neta Jackson, "Trouble With Treasure" by Susan Marlow, and the second book in the Scout series titled "Scout: The Haunted Castle" (this audiobook will be released mid-August). Audiobooks Music Daniel Kim has been working on a new album these past few months titled "Symphony of Sorrow"--orchestral versions of Psalters with mourning and sorrow as their main theme....

Hello all, Congratulations to the winner of our recent Whillo giveaway, Maaike Rosendal! Over the past few weeks we've received many incredible testimonials that gave us some great insights into how people are using Whillo, what kind of content is enjoyed the most, and what you'd like to see more of. These were very encouraging! Thank you all for participating in this giveaway; we plan to do more of these soon... Now for new content releases for July: Music We've added additional albums from...

Hello all! June is here, and with it are some great new Whillo releases; the first book of the Scout series (coming to Whillo June 15), a beautiful album of violin music by Annette Jumelet, another Psalter Singalong album by Wynston Lyles, a collection of Whillo exclusive piano/cello Psalters, more Mattaniah and Hosanna albums, and much more. We've also added a page to the Whillo website for musicians, narrators etc. that are looking to "level up" their audio production or interested in...

Hello all, We've added some great new content to Whillo for May! First up: Music Releases We've added a beautiful new instrumental album by Animato Music Productions, an album of peaceful piano hymns by Rachelle Stoutjesdijk, several albums from Dutch men's choir "Eiland Urk" (directed by Gerrit Schinkel), more music by Martin Mans and the "Men of Hope" Choir, the Mattaniah Christian Men's choir, and an additional album by the Sharon Singers. We've also added two additional piano and...

Whillo April New Releases

Hello all! A quick note before be get into the new content added to Whillo for April: Android app users: there should be another update available in the Play Store that fixes more bugs in the Whillo app. It also adds the option (for those that have subscribed to Whillo directly via the Android app) to upgrade or switch their plans. As always, we recommend users sign up for Whillo online (as this makes it easier to manage your subscription, discount codes can be added, etc.) but for those that...

Hello all! We've added lots of new content for the month of March including a new album by Emily Devisser, Journey Through the Night Volume 3, music by Arjan Huizer and Martin Mans and much more. New Audiobooks for March The Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave An autobiography of the early life of an American slave. It was first published in 1845, shortly after the author achieved his freedom. The book shocked the world with its firsthand account of the horrors of slavery and...